Friday, June 24, 2011

Utah Recap

I have been in Utah almost 2 years now (official two years is August 8th). I sucked at blogging and so I thought I would just make a re-cap instead of trying to catch it all up by individual blog posts.

1. Started school at UCMT
2. Made some amazing freaking friends
3. Went through the Temple for my Endowments
4. Moved to my first apartment
5. Learned how to play Rugby, mainly by watching the sport and working on the Provo Lady Steelers team
6. Welcomed a new little baby niece Lena
7. Graduated from UCMT
8. became an L.M.T. and started my own private practice
9. made even more awesome friends
10. moved again with 3 of the previous awesome friends
11. played a lot to make up for all the work I did the first year.

Oh, there is so much more but those are the key points. I now work for eBay full time and UCMT very part time and then have the private practice!

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