Tuesday, December 2, 2008


So, I am sitting here at work and thinking about the purpose of Christmas and what not. And a lot of my friends blogs have list of things they want or stand in need of. And so while thinking about it I thought why not put a little list up of things I am thankful for and things I would like to receive or accomplish this season!

1. I am thankful for my family
2. The gospel of Jesus Christ
3. Missionaries
4. Friends that make me smile even when I am in the most rotten mood
5. My talents and hobbies
6. Temples

Now things that I would really LOVE

1. to be able to submit mission papers ASAP
2. The money so I can accomplish number 1 on this list
3. to attend the Temple
4. To see my family for Christmas
5. to move to a new area with more Young Single Adults to hang out with

Okay so I am done. I got it off my chest and out of my brain so now maybe I can get to work and get my stuff done. I just want to mention that I love my savior Jesus Christ and I am very thankful for all he has blessed me with! I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas season full of fun and good memories!

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